Kizomba Embassy


Kizomba Dance Videos - Kizomba Dancers in Japan.

Welcome to the Kizomba Embassy! This month, we researched the Top 10 Hottest and Most Popular Kizomba Dance Videos Worldwide.

The rankings are based on current total view counts for YouTube videos listed as “Kizomba Dance”.

We also filtered the results to include only videos with people dancing Kizomba.  Moreover, no other filters were utilized such as the style of Kizomba Dance, etc.

Here are the 2023 Most Popular Kizomba Dance Videos Worldwide!

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Our number ten Video features eight unknown Kizomba Dancers.  Specifically, it was shot by the “Estúdio Sabor & Dança” Dance School located in Lisbon, Portugal. The song featured in the video is Fila da Goda.

The upload date for this video is July 21, 2015At the present time, the total view count for this Kizomba Dance Video is over 19,159,730 Million views.

Kizomba Dance Videos #9

Number Nine on our countdown for the most popular Kizomba Dance Videos is this video featuring L’Ange Noir & Elodie. This video was shot at the 2018 Kizomba Open Festival in Madrid, Spain. 

The song is Noso Momento by Bruna Tatina. At the present time, it has 22,985,233 views. October 31, 2018, is the upload date for this video.

Number 8

This video features Kizomba Dancers Yami & St’effy dancing Kizomba in the streets of Paris, France.

Sam Niums filmed this video in 2014. It was uploaded on March 11, 2014.  At the present time, it has over 25 Million views.

The songs in the video are Casamento by C4 and Dance Kizomba by Stony. 

Number 7

Our number seven video features two all-star Kizomba dancers famous all over the world. They are Albir Rojas & Sara Lopez.

The video was shot at the 2013 Kizomba Feeling Festival in Madrid, Spain. This song is Diamonds by Kaysha.

The upload date for this video is May 19, 2013At the present time, the total view count for this Kizomba Dance Video is over 26 Million views.

Kizomba Dance Videos #6

Next up on our list at number six is a Kizomba video by Lucero Huitron, the Director of Kizomba Women.

She brought together some of the best female kizomba dancers in Mexico for this sensual kizomba dance video. The video features ladies style kizomba and was shot outdoors in a local plaza.

The upload date for this video is June 15, 2015At the present time, the total view count for this Kizomba Dance Video is over 30 Million views.

Kizomba Dance Videos #5

For number five on our list, we have another famous Kizomba Dance couple from Paris, France. They are Félicien RossaIsabelle Périac.

This couple performs frequently at Dance Festivals and events worldwide.

The upload date for this video is February 3, 2014. At the present time, it has over 35 Million views. The song is Curti Ma Me by Asty.

Number 4

Number four on our list is once again Félicien Rossa & Isabelle Périac. This couple occupies two of the top ten spots.

The video was uploaded on April 3, 2014. At the present time, it has surpassed 40 Million views. It also has over 186 thousand likes.

Kizomba Dance Videos # 3

Our number three video features Kizomba Dancers Chris Py & Booxy dancing Kizomba in beautiful unknown location.

It was filmed in 2015 and the upload date is November 24, 2015.  At the present time, it has over 44 Million views & 220 thousand likes.

The song in the video is a Trap Queen Kizomba remix by Dj Anilson

Kizomba Dance Videos # 2

Number two on our list is a Kizomba Ladies styling video.  The dancers in this video are Isabelle and Adeline. This video was filmed at the 2018 Kizomba open Festival.

The upload date for this video is October 31, 2018 and it currently has over 64 million views on YouTube with 251, 000 likes.

The # 1 Kizomba Dance Video

Our #1 video on the list features singer Daniel Santa Cruz along side kizomba dancers Sara López and Marc Brewer

The music video is by Daniel Santacruz. It features a sensual Kizomba fusion dance by Sara & Marc to his popular song Lento.   

Additionally the music is produced by Richy Rojas and Daniel Santacruz.

The upload date for this video is February 3, 2014. At the present time, it has over 234 Million views. 

Thanks for visiting the Kizomba Embassy! Feel free to share this article with your friends and let us know what is your all-time favorite Kizomba Dance Video in the comments section.

Brian Moran-CEO Kizomba E,mbassy

Brian Moran

CEO of Kizomba Embassy

Brian Moran is a Salsa, Bachata & Kizomba dancer from New York City.  He has been fortunate to live and work abroad in Europe, Asia, and the Caribbean for over 13 years.

While living overseas, he has attended hundreds of international dance festivals and events and has taken classes with some of the top professional Salsa, Bachata, and Kizomba Instructors worldwide.

About Us

The Kizomba Embassy was founded in 2021 in Washington, DC. Specifically, we have Team members and Kizomba Instructors all over the globe!  Indeed, we are passionate about Kizomba!

We are also dedicated to growing the Kizomba community! We do this by highlighting all styles of professional kizomba dance instructors, artists, and worldwide festivals!

This includes Kizomba, Semba, Urban Kiz, and also Kiz Fusion. We are also a multilingual website currently available in 10 languages. Additionally, our new sister site is the Bachata Embassy!

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Lastly, check out our latest Ultimate Guide to Kizomba here!




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