Sensual Weekend in Rostock 2022
Are you ready for the 2022 Sensual Weekend in Rostock?
We invite you to dance salsa, bachata, and kizomba with us for a weekend at the Baltic Sea!
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Why should you attend this special sensual weekend event?
Firstly there will be open-air parties and socials on the beach and in the Rostock city harbor. There will also be a huge party on Saturday evening with 3 dance floors in the PWH Rostock.
Secondly, we will have a dancer’s brunch! We also plan on having three open dance floors for Salsa, Bachata, and Kizomba.
We finance all indoor and outdoor dance locations on Friday and Saturday (socials, after parties, and the big party at PWH Rostock) with your WE dance pass of only €20.
The “Blue Doors Hostel KTV” is reserved exclusively for the participants! This will allow for the opportunity to organize small socials there from Friday from 3 p.m. till Sunday at 11 a.m.
The hostel is located directly at the Rostock city harbor. You can get there quickly by taking the S-Bahn to Warnemünde on the Baltic Sea.
Secure a room in the event hostel and the dance pass under “Sensual Weekend Rostock”.
Make your reservations quickly as alternative rooms are very difficult to find in Rostock in summer.
You can also book dance courses or workshops directly with the dance teachers! We look forward to spending a dance-filled, relaxed weekend with you.
Sensual Weekend 2022 Program
The 2022 program could look like this:
from 4 p.m. – Check-in at Blue Doors Hostel (BDH)
from 5 p.m. – beach social dance in Warnemünde on the beach
8 pm beach party
from 24 after party in Rostock
from 11 a.m. Dancers’ Brunch in the BDH
from 2 p.m. beach social on the beach
from 4 p.m. workshops in Warnemünde
at 9 p.m. big Saturday evening party in the Peter-Weiß Haus Rostock with 3 dance floors
from 1 a.m. AfterpartySocial in the BDH
from 11 a.m. Dancers’ Brunch
from 2 p.m. Beach Social on the beach in Warnemünde
9 pm final dance at the city harbor in Rostock
Of course, we don’t know the Covid 19 rules that will apply then. But we will always try to make dancing possible for everyone with as many open-air events as possible. Nevertheless, due to the increasing number of participants every year, we cannot do without planning indoor events as a backup so that we can hold the event in any weather.
Sichert euch die 4er oder 6er Zimmer mit Freunden.
All 2-bed rooms and 5 bedrooms are sold out!!!
booking room: https://shop.lafiesta.de/events/
price for 2 nights from Friday to Sunday for the complete room:
5 bedroom = 270€
6-bed room = 312€
single Bed in shared room = 60€ (for 2 nights)
(preview room at: https://bluedoorshostel.de/ktv)
About Us
The Kizomba Embassy is based out of the Washington, DC Metro Area. Specifically, we have Team members and Kizomba Instructors all over the globe! Indeed, we are passionate about Kizomba!
We are also dedicated to growing the kizomba community! We do this by highlighting all styles of professional kizomba dance instructors, artists, and also festivals worldwide!
This includes Kizomba, Semba, Urban Kiz, and also Kiz Fusion. We are also a multilingual website currently available in 10 languages. Additionally, our new sister site is the Bachata Embassy!
If you would like to see more Kizomba Embassy Ambassadors, then check out our Kizomba Ambassadors page here!
For the latest information on Kizomba Festivals worldwide check out the Kizomba Embassy Events Calendar here!
If you would like to add your upcoming Kizomba Festival to our Calendar, then you can do so here!
Join the Kizomba Embassy Facebook Group here!
Follow us on Instagram here!
Catch up on our latest blog posts here!
Lastly, check out our latest Ultimate Guide to Kizomba here!

Additional Details
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/events/188678823313086
Promo - No
Organizer name - Arne Kopplow
Organizer Email - [email protected]
Website -