Are you ready for the popular National Kizomba Summit?
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National Kizomba Summit 2022! Don’t Miss It!
The National Kizomba Summit has been rescheduled to April 9 till 10, 2022.
The festival will feature both Kizomba Instructors Mestre Petchu and also Eduardo Paim from Angola. Additionally, any passes already purchased will be honored regardless of price changes. Workshops will be held from 11 AM till 3 PM, Dinner is scheduled from 7:30 till 10:30 PM. The social will be from 10:30 PM until 12:00 AM.
Specifically, the National Kizomba Summit will be held at the Mambo Room Cultural Event Center, which is located at 400-B, West 21st Street, Norfolk, Virginia 23517
National Kizomba Summit Workshops Schedule
11 till 12 PM Beginner Kizomba with Kianda & John and also Special Guest online Mestre Petchu!
Free for members as well as $20 non-members.
12 -1 PM Afro House with Guest instructor Rita Cohen from TACA.
$10 for members as well as $20 for non-members.
1 PM till 3 PM Semba with Guest instructor Mike David.
$20 for members as well as $30 for non-members.
National Kizomba Summit Day Pass
$25 for members as well as $45 for non-members.
Lastly please check back soon for updates to the National Kizomba Summit! You can also check out the organizer’s Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/events/154528395192591
About Us
The Kizomba Embassy is based out of the Washington, DC Metro Area with Team members and also Instructors all over the globe! Indeed we are passionate about Kizomba!
We are also dedicated to growing the kizomba community by highlighting all styles of professional kizomba dance instructors, artists, festivals, news, and events around the world! This includes Kizomba, Semba, Urban Kiz, and also Kiz Fusion.
We are also a multilingual website currently available in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Polish, Russian, and Chinese.
If you would like to see more Kizomba Embassy Ambassadors then check out our Kizomba Ambassadors page here!
For the latest and up-to-date information on Kizomba Festivals around the world check out the Kizomba Embassy Events Calendar here!
If you would like to add your upcoming Kizomba Festival and or event to our calendar then you can do so here!
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Check out our new sister site Bachata Embassy!
Additional Details
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kizombasummit
Promo - No
Organizer name - The National Kizomba Summit
Organizer Email -
Website -