The 2023 Djumbai Afro Festival – March 10 till 12, 2023 in Lisbon, Portugal! Don’t miss it!
This festival will feature traditional kizomba dancing. It will also be the third edition of this wonderful Kizomba dance festival!
The location of this festival is Rua Cintura Do Porto De Lisboa! Here is the Kizomba Embassy list of recommended hotels to stay at during the festival.
All of these hotels have a free cancellation policy so you don’t lose money!
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Why should you attend this 2023 Djumbai Afro Festival?
Firstly it is a well-run festival in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal!
Secondly, the festival will feature traditional Kizomba dancing as well as other African dances!
Thirdly this festival always features some of the top Kizomba Dance artists from Portugal and Europe!
2023 Djumbai Afro Festival Artists
Coming Soon!
Kizomba Embassy Member & Co-Founder Joao Patornilo is one of the official promoters of this festival! Use his Promo Code KZEM to save 5 Euros on your full pass!

All passes are available directly from the organizer via https://www.weezevent.com/djumbai-3rd-edition?
A full pass costs 80 Euros. The full pass will give you access to all of the workshops, socials, and parties!
For additional information check out the Festival organizer’s Event page https://www.facebook.com/events/1146140012436955/
The Festival organizer can be reached via Email: [email protected]
You can also send a private SMS to the organizer via + 351 911 145 126.
More Festival Information will be added soon!
Specifically, all information provided here is for informational purposes and is subject to change. We do our very best to keep all data up to date.
However, it is important to check all information with the official organizers to ensure accuracy. We are not responsible and are not liable for any damages caused by inaccurate information.
The Kizomba Embassy is based out of the Washington, DC Metro Area with Team members and also instructors worldwide! Indeed we are passionate about Kizomba!
We are also dedicated to growing the kizomba community by highlighting all styles of kizomba. This includes dance instructors, artists, festivals, news, and also events around the world!
This also includes Kizomba, Semba, Urban Kiz, and Kiz Fusion. We are also a multilingual website.
For the latest information on Kizomba Festivals around the world certainly, check out the
Kizomba Embassy Events Calendar here!
If you would like to add your Kizomba Festival to our Calendar then you can do so here!
Also, join the Kizomba Embassy Facebook Group here!
Additionally, follow us on Instagram here!
You can also catch up on our latest blog posts here!
For Bachata lovers check out our new sister site Bachata Embassy!
Lastly, check out our latest Ultimate Guide to Kizomba here!
Additional Details
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/djumbaiafroweekend
Promo - Yes
Organizer name - djumbaiafroweekend
Organizer Email - [email protected]
Website -